Project Title: Cross-border Senior Entrepreneusrhip Incubator
Project ID: HUSRB/1903/42/0078
Total Project budget: 213,638.70 EUR
EU contribution (IPA): 181,592.89 EUR
Start Date: 1 September 2020 – End Date: 28 February 2022
Lead Beneficiary: Gerontology Centre: Social and Health Institution for Providing Care to Adult Persons
First Beneficiary: Szentes Social Care Centre
Contact information: Gerontology Centre Subotica
Address: Aleja Maršala Tita 31, 24 000 Subotica, Republic of Serbia
Contact person: Mr Aleksandar T. Lovčanski
Telephone: +381 62788903
Project description:
In response to the growing demographic challenges affecting local economies in the cross-border region, the Project aims to contribute to the development of social entrepreneurship by offering a model of the so-called inclusive entrepreneurship as one of the ways to overcome the consequences of an aging population. By implementing the present Project, worth more than 213,000 euros, the Gerontology Center in Subotica and the Social Care Centre in Sentes will become the first social welfare institutions in the region to establish a cross-border mechanism to support people aged over 50 in their entrepreneurial initiatives. To this end, the partner institutions have envisaged several key project activities, including the assessment-research of entrepreneurial potential of this social group, including their knowledge and competencies; then training of interested persons in entrepreneurship; educational and promotional campaign; etc. The most important activity, however, will be the establishment of the first regional Incubator for Entrepreneurship of the Elderly, i.e. its branches in Subotica and Sentes, fully equipped and made available to the elderly and persons with disabilities for the development of their entrepreneurial ideas. In addition to this resource, the Project will also develop a completely new multilingual Internet portal through which elderly entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to place their products and services on a wider market and thus ensure the sustainability of their businesses.